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hilton head中文是什么意思

用"hilton head"造句"hilton head"怎么读"hilton head" in a sentence


  • 布尔顿黑德艾兰


  • It ' s like the company retreats at hilton head . remember
  • Ask what kind of training they had - - a weekend in hilton head with a couple of hours of classes and a lot of golf
    至于培训? ?仅仅是周末到希尔顿海德酒店上数小时的课程,其余时间则可以尽情的玩高尔夫。
  • In proc . ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition 2000 , hilton head island , usa , june 2000 , pp . 18 - 25
  • The columbia area is also convenient to major tourist destinations in south carolina - myrtle beach , charleston , hilton head island and the mountains of the upstate
  • Known for her intense concentration on the court , she stunned tennis fans when she beat chris evert ( sixteen years her senior ) at hilton head in 1986
  • An island off the southern coast of south carolina in the sea islands of the atlantic ocean . it is a popular tourist resort . the town of hilton head island , on the northeast coast , has a population of23 , 694
    希尔顿?海德岛南卡罗来纳州南部海岩边位于大西洋中的海群岛中的一个岛屿,是著名的旅游圣地希尔顿?海德岛东北海岸的城镇有人口23 , 694
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